Welcome to the World of Gemstones
The Gemcamp Laboratories Group invites you to learn about some of the most sought-after natural wonders of our world. Discover the magnificent gemstones that create the centerpieces for some history's most beloved jewelry pieces and artifacts. Each gem maintains a long history that spans from early mining to cutting and faceting, all the way down to how they're received by the consumer market in today's modern luxury setting. Acquire useful and practical knowledge about many gemstone species and varieties as you embark on your educational journey through the world of gems and gemology.
"Understanding the beauty, rarity and characteristics of every gemstone will allow us to better appreciate their uniqueness. This gemstone encyclopedia delves into details about some of the most commonly used precious gems in the trade. It is an ongoing project of our laboratory to provide our audience with a platform for open-book learning, so that we can share more information about gemstones with our local communities and even visitors from everywhere in the world."
Contact Us
Get in touch with a Gemologist.
For gemological assessment requests, our laboratory evaluates gemstones as an impartial third-party assessor.